Motivational Speaker on Predictive Maintenance

Patrick Schwerdtfeger is a leading authority on business trends including big data, predictive analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT). He has authored four business books and is a regular speaker for Bloomberg TV. Patrick has spoken about big data and the increasing role of data and predictive analytics at conferences and business events around the world. Recent examples include events by Techmahindra and BMC Software in Dubai, Globecomm in New York, Schneider Electric in Chicago, the Ministry of Information & Communication Technology in Bogota, Colombia, Oracle, IDEXX Corporation, Teladata Technology Conference and NASSCOM’s Big Data Summit in Hyderabad, India. Patrick covers big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) from an executive and strategic level, inspiring his audiences to think more expansively about what is possible as well as the need to stay ahead of these exponential technology trends.

Freelancer Conference Speaker




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Internet of Things Business Speaker


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Conference Keynote Speech on the Industrial IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is affecting both the retail consumer environment as well as the industrial manufacturing environment. In each case, the rapid development and installation of sensors and connected devices is facilitating the optimization of endless processes. Indeed, we are optimizing our planet, business by business, region by region and country by country. And although the opportunity for optimization is immense, it also represents a huge cyber security risk. In October, 2016, the world saw the first large-scale DDoS attack where the junk traffic originated from connected devices like smart TVs, NEST thermostats and countless industrial devices with poor security protocols. The net result was a DDoS attack large enough to cripple the DDoS attack on Dyn DNS server, knocking PayPal, Github, Twitter and Spotify offline for hours on end. Patrick covers these trends and incorporates real world case histories to enlighten convention attendees to both the opportunities and risks of the Internet of Things.


The Future of the Internet of Things

Current predictions estimate that there will be more than 50 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020, and we’re on track to surpass that number. These devices will allow for a level of analysis never before possible, facilitating unprecedented optimization throughout our economy. Security will be an increasing problem as time passes. Inexpensive devices will be more vulnerable to malicious software and some suppliers and users will be unsympathetic to the consequences. Indeed, malicious software will generally not impact the intended functionality of their devices. Instead, it will allow those devices to be used in attacks on other online properties. It will take years for cyber security to catch up to the IoT revolution.
Patrick builds his keynote presentations on case histories and success stories. As such, he follows the leading providers in the Internet of Things space and reviews their use cases as they become available. Some of the leading platforms in the IoT field include the following:

  • IBM: IoT momentum is building, IBM and the connected future.
  • Schneider Electric: Leaders in the Industrial Internet of Things – Life is ON
  • Accenture: Industrial Internet of Things – Reimagine the Possibilities
  • Intel: The Internet of Things (IoT) Starts with Intel Inside
  • Microsoft: Four Steps to Start Your IoT Solution
  • Cisco Systems: Connecting everything drives positive business results.
  • Ericsson: Internet of Things as a Business Driver
  • Qualcomm: Increasing connectivity with our IoT solutions.


Big Data and Predictive Maintenance

The opportunity with big data and the Internet of Things is predictive analytics which facilitates optimization. In particular, it facilitates predictive maintenance in manufacturing and industrial settings. By monitoring the machine operations, businesses can anticipate failures and service machines before they break, eliminating down times and reducing maintenance costs. But beyond that core business objective, it also increases peripheral businesses that emerge from the data analysis. In many cases, the data provides value beyond the traditional business model of the business in question. This allows the business to exploit adjacent markets and drive disruptive innovation in related industries. Innovation always comes from the edges, and data allows businesses to disrupt industries on the edges of their own marketplace. Patrick’s Internet of Things keynote program promises to inspire your attendees and expand their vision of what’s possible. It will also challenge their perceptions of their own businesses, spurring disruptive thinking and revealing new opportunities within their big data initiatives.

Conference Speaker